Friday, May 30, 2008

No Sew Fleece Pillow

fleece (whatever size you need)
Stuffing (enough to fill your pillow)
scissors or rotary cutter
Straight edge and cutting mat (if you use rotary)

For the following pictures I use 22"x22" fleece fabric on one side and 22"x22" plush fabric on the other. Make sure the fabric is soft... both right sides and wrong sides will be exposed. You will want 8" longer total on top and sides, then what you want your finished project to be. You can also use a pillow form inside instead of just stuffing. It will probably give it a more even look. These are for my kids and will be on the floor a lot. I used about a 1/2 bag of the walmart mid size bag of stuffing. For the large pillow I used 2 1/2 bags.

You will want to lay the fabric wrong sides together on top of each other. Take your rotary cutter or scissors and cut 4"x4" squares out of the corners.
All around the edge cut 1" wide strips, 4" long. Leave attached, do not cut them off the fabric.
Now, go around the edge and tie double knots, top to bottom. Kinda like the first knot when you tie your shoes, but do it twice.
Leave a few open in the middle of one of the sides, so you can stuff it.
Then, stuff it.
Tie the last few strips together.
Voila, you've got yourself a pillow.

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